• ccna vs ccnp

    CCNA vs CCNP-Which Certification is Best for You?

    The world is changing fast, and so are the skills people need to remain relevant in specific careers. Technology experts live on the edge since they constantly unlearn and relearn to remain relevant and keep up with the changes.

    An IT officer’s job description ten years ago is not the same now, so are the skills required to get these jobs. One thing that has changed in the tech space is the nature of qualifications one requires to operate and thrive in these spaces.

    Companies are shifting from traditional university degrees to certifications and focused courses that teach the specific skills needed to do a particular job.

    In the networking space, some of the most prominent certifications are provided by Cisco, and most companies seek experts who hold them. We will compare two common ones CCNA and <a href="https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/training-events/training-certifications/certifications/profe

    March 30, 2021
  • FireBase vs MongoDB: Which is the Best NoSQL Database for You?

    FireBase vs MongoDB: Which is the Best NoSQL Database for You?

    In this age, businesses cannot get away with failing to incorporate technology into their operations. The technology space is growing wider by the day, and business owners are always left with the dilemma between various service providers today.

    One of the most vital parts of any technology is the backend that stores the data and offers a stable platform for the entire solution. This is the database, and today, we are going to review two of the best databases in the market today; Firebase and MongoDB. We are going to look at the features they offer while highlighting their upsides and downsides to help business owners pick the right one for their needs.

    Main Differences Between Firebase vs MongoDB

    The main differences between Firebase vs MongoDB are:

    • Firebase is a Backend-as-a-Service solut
      August 13, 2020
  • Best Nagios Alternatives

    Best Nagios Alternatives for Enhanced Network Monitoring

    Today, businesses across the world rely on IT more than ever before. Company operations are being automated, and IT solutions are being implemented across all departments.

    While this signifies exciting times for businesses, it comes with its share of challenges as IT systems become sophisticated and extensive. IT support staff are required to be keener on the diagnosis and optimization of these systems to reduce downtime and potential faults that can affect critical business operations.

    One of the best tools for automated network monitoring and management is Nagios. It is an excellent choice for network professionals looking for a tool that is easily customizable and is full of robust features. Nagios is not perfect, and it has its share of downsides.

    It is hard to set up, and configurations can only be done with config files. It has a steep learning curve, and for these reasons, we have listed a few other alternatives to look at.


    July 27, 2020

  • The Best Ways to Learn C++: Top Courses to Consider

    The impact of technology across the globe has been tremendous. Fields that appeared to be fine on their own are now more reliant on technology. This way, more people are being forced to be tech-savvy if they are to remain relevant, even if their fields are not directly related to technology.

    For many years, programming was left to Computer Science specialists and developers. Still, today, more jobs need people with basic programming skills to enable them to manipulate software and understand their core operations better. Luckily, you do not have to enroll in a University to learn a programming language as the internet has a plethora of courses for you.

    C++ is one of the most popular object-oriented programming languages, and it is the best for anyone looking to manipulate low-level operations. It

    July 23, 2020
  • The Network Administrator Job Description and Salary Guide

    In the world that we live in, technology is rapidly advancing, and with that, there are more jobs needing to be filled to meet the demand. Being a Network Administrator is just one of the many lucrative opportunities that have arisen as of late. As you read on, we’ll cover what exactly being a Network Administrator contains, as well as the many pros and cons of working as one!

    What Exactly is a “Network Administrator”?

    In a nutshell, a Network Administrator is responsible for the day-to-day operation of computer networks, typically associated with an organization. The tasks associated with a Network Administrator can include, but are not limited to:

    • The installation and coordination of computer programs belonging to an organization.
    • Optimizing and even determining the overall performance of the computer systems.
    • Regular maintenance of system security. This can include the network or the computer
      July 21, 2020
  • Dynamodb vs Mongodb: Which Is The Best Database For You?

    Dynamodb vs Mongodb Compared; Which Is The Best Database For You?

    Databases have played an important role in the evolution of computers. They were implemented in the mid-1960s, where computers upgraded from being giant calculators to devices that can store data. This led to the rise of <a href="https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk00qweVrFcuQF50-AMqVSkcIi8bizA:1594721463182&q=PostgreSQL&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAJVSO4vUUBROFnd2NquwM2uxTBWmGqfJ405egsyIlbDi6IqFCCHvu5Pk5nVJJiktBK3Ewh9gZSEWlhYKdg5oYaGdhYhgpY1gIazj7L1jbarv3POd73zn5LQ3-20hFkSlRpXcj44KzCc-71rYsq3C42MLWYEXewjzRV1gL16wK_qoBiGBiq41FC5FFuz2XyiVldFQLIu4pDgMMoPQI6g79BlBUVmw3ErbB3IMSACckSmnNAgaJ81JCfClgnZTpUZGhDSTtUxPScIoTWXZ7owQCJJkq00uwdogRFmzqxmtAlABOaBuNK1UCLZ1yUQEjzSMZxRDt5SpUj5DYkQC1SwdLSQsBUa5TbDvhmslkCoYkjUErkkt2YWK0dLFzsnaUDDPXJKqVT01XDqKAyrDCEFNqaKCSjleDxY6GaTbDKJCpPojpEGT-tGyEVJJAoKqUWirDMzzvKZiSlEbFZ2tiXSRzqa5FZyRBILQcR3qRkrnoRZ9Z

    July 19, 2020
  • CCNA vs Network+: Main Differences and Which to Choose

    IT has long been a fast-growing industry sector. In fact, this year, in 2020, the global information technology industry is predicted to grow at a rate of 3.7%.

    We’re the generation that relies on advanced technology for day-to-day living. So, if you’re interested in innovation, it only makes sense to look towards a career in this field.

    A job in IT presents an opportunity to work in an environment full of constant changes and developments. There are tons of versatile employment in this sector, all of which benefit from ongoing professional growth and training.

    We’ve noticed that as the world has increasingly come to rely on IT and tech, salaries have skyrocketed to reflect the importance of these professions. IT networking, especially, is a field

    July 17, 2020